IYNF has aimed at developing the skills of young people from rural areas and empowering them to become community leaders, by ‘From Zero to Hero’ activity. This activity has combined both theoretical and practical input. The first week was dedicated to gaining theoretical knowledge about leadership and working with volunteers. The second week was focusing on different tools for community engagement and implementing them on the spot with the help of local volunteers.
Volunteers gained skills and knowledge for better implementation of their future local activity, which is to enhance the quality of life and combat problems such as rural isolation.
As a result of the activity, we created an e-manual on methods and practices for active youth participation in community development.
You can find theoric and practical pieces of knowledge in the e-manual, such as; community development, volunteering and project management. In addition, you can see our volunteers’ projects during the activity and what was the latest status of the projects after the activity. Last but not least, you can read the history of Srebrenica from the stories of the locals.
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