Green Joker was a youth exchange that happened in Nachod and Prague, in Czech Republic. This youth exchange gathered 30 young participants from 6 countries to explore topics of creative activism, eco lifestyles and sustainability. First they spend almost a week in Nachod, small town in the north of Czech Republic, where they were organizing and taking part in different workshops: upcycling, hand making of recycled paper, repainting t-shirts, juggling, making things from grass, preparing home-made cosmetics, yoga relaxation and many more. The camp was also visited by activists from Greenpeace, Occupy Czech and Stream for Change creative activism group, so that the participants could discuss and find out more about different type of activism.

What followed was creating and preparing various street actions, that the participants found most important – saving resources, upcycling, food distribution and peace of mind in IT era. The participants then went to the streets first of Nachod, then of Prague with their actions and costumes and interacted with the local population in creative and positive ways.

You can check out the pictures from the exchange here:…

The youth exchange was supported by the Youth in Action programme of European Union.