01 March, 2025
6:18 am

Call for Participants



Are you working or would you like to work with migrants and/or refugees? Are you a migrant and/or refugee yourself? Do you want to know how to turn the challenges of migration into a chance?

Join the IYNF seminar to learn more, meet other committed young people and exchange ideas, experience and expertise!


Border-free Solidarity in IYNF

International Young Naturefriends is a non-governmental organization promoting solidarity between and within different cultures, working on an international level. Confronted with the recent developments in the world in vary contexts, IYNF has decided to dedicate the year of 2017 to the topic Border-free Solidarity.

Border-free means without limits, it means there is no fence between us, not on any level. It shows that even though there can be religious, cultural, linguistic, geographical, educational, moral, financial and political barriers, it does not have to mean that we cannot cooperate together, help each other and learn from each other.

Be Border-free

The seminar “Be Border-free” is the second of three projects around this subject and wants you to dive deeper into the action level. Here you will meet and directly interact with young refugees, get first-hand experience from good practice examples of migration related youth work, learn and practice how to use specific non-formal education tools for your own ideas and projects.

The aim is to improve the understanding of challenges and opportunities that migration brings to the youth work sector and international cooperation, to increase solidarity within socio-cultural diverse groups of young people, migrants, and refugees, and to provide you with knowledge and skills to use in your own projects and organizations. In the end, together you will create a quality guideline for migration related youth work.

After this activity you will be able to:

  • Understand the daily struggles of migrants and refugees
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities migration represents for youth work
  • Use non-formal education tools and methods to carry out these ideas
  • Rate and improve the quality of migration related youth work

Practical info


This activity is open to representatives of IYNF Member and Partner organizations, volunteers, representatives of other youth organizations that share the values of IYNF and are willing to be engaged within the IYNF network. Participants from the previous activities and e-volunteers will have priority in the selection process.

Date and Place: 8th-14th of August, Frankfurt, Germany


  • No participation fee.
  • Food and accommodation are fully covered.
  • At least 80% of travel costs will be reimbursed.**

Participation rules:

IYNF expects you to choose the most sustainable way of transportation; only 2nd  class/economy class tickets can be reimbursed. For flights and traveling by car prior approval of the Secretariat will be needed. Participants are expected to be present at least 80% of the working time. If you are not able to fulfill this condition, please discuss it with the Secretariat prior to your application. Violation of this rule might result in IYNF not being able to reimburse your travel costs.**

How to apply:  Please fill in this application form.

Deadline: 30th of June

Results: All the selected participants will be informed personally via e-mail by the 7th of July.

Eligible countries: Council of Europe and Erasmus+ member/programme countries


If you have any questions, please write to the coordinator of the project:

Sabrina Grape (sabrina@iynf.org)


**IYNF promotes the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in society as well as in our activities. We created a ‘solidarity fund’ to support participants who cannot pay the travel costs upfront or cover the remaining 40% of their total costs. You can request the support from our ‘solidarity fund’ in the application from.