The memories from IYNF Planning Weekend 2012 by Balazs Kajor

It is the feeling like when every step you make is in the right direction… just like breath in and out, keeping up with the flow. You are in the stream and you paddle along… you have the oar and the ability to steer just like all the others. And then it happens: small torrents come together, join their runoffs of water and there you go, all together in one giant river. With the capacity to move the rocks…

Kraków time gave us the connection and inspiration. No other better words to describe than the IYNF motto. Maybe we used a bit too much these expressions, but they are that one cannot get bored with… It explains everything: smart brains adding up their energy, having a piece from here, another from there – and the image is taking shape. Different countries, diverse cultural attitudes, melting in the pot of a sustainable vision of Europe… and even further. Like the logo, hand in hand. To reach out for one common goal: make our world a bit better place. Step by step!

We made giant leaps forward. Our knowledge broadend at the seminars which were at everyone’s taste. Mine was the most delighted, when I could marvel the so easygoing presentation of Lee Brain. This hilarious guy from the Kaien Island town of Prince Rupert, Canada shared us the magnificent simplicity and yet totally complex system of a transition city. It is simple in a way, that it is so natural. On the other hand it needs to be cared with such attention as the creator of the ecosystem designed this network of tiny bits of harmoniusly working molecules in the surrounding living habitat.

Transition Network has its own movement, loads of work to do and full of encouragement needed. But then the result is what we dream of: a coexistence of people in a community where the activities are equally and wisely shared, even as the goods and services produced. Without waste of time, workforce, ingredients and surplus. A transition city is „a place where there’s a community-led process that helps that town/village/city/neighbourhood become stronger and happier.” /quoted from For more details and life-changing boost, check out the website!

Planet Cleaners. Yes, we are a bunch of idealists who believe, it is still not too late to do our part in the enermous work of cleaning up the mess that we are producing on our beautiful planet Earth. And there comes Stas and presents us a great and witty board game, with which we get ourselves acquainted with the tension of how we can reduce the CO2 to a normal level in our country with such green projects as installing solar panels and wind power plants, developing nature parks, or even inviting ecologists to our imaginary homeland. Here comes the trick: what do you think you would do after competing with each other through the whole game when the time is coming near to an end. Still acting solely? I don’t think so.

Let us JOIN! :)
