In August 2020, the middle of the global COVID-19 pandemic brought up a new project “Youth perspectives on climate justice in the AU-EU relations” focusing on youth participation between young people from the African and European continent regarding climate justice. In three national groups motivated young people from Benin, Germany and Senegal discussed their demands, developed common statements and discussed with political stakeholders towards a more sustainable and just future. Together with these groups, we organised a conference and a great global Naturefriends summit in December.
In this publication, we collected our experiences regarding youth participation, the working process and the partnership for future projects. We would like to offer them to you, as guidelines and inspiration for further projects. We would like to support and motivate other young people to participate in political debates. Let’s think further about how we can be more vocal, reasonable and how to achieve that our opinion will be respected. We will talk about the methods we used, the challenges we had or share useful tips on how to proceed with such a project, how to hold workshops, how to organise conferences and how to cooperate with others in general. So just keep reading and start to raise your voice for a more just and sustainable future.