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    Connect and inspire

    For young people in the educational fields of environment, outdoors, amateur arts and experiential learning. Promoting the values of respect, solidarity, equality, sustainability, and love and care for nature.

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In harmony with nature

There are many side events during the COP23, UN Climate Change Conference 2017, and they all deal with climate change. Most of them though don´t take nature into account, even though healthy ecosystems and the protection of biodiversity is...

Be Border Free Report

  We were group of 32 youth, gathered in Frankfurt am Main from 8th to 14th for the seminar of Be Boarder Free. It was an international group with various nationalities: Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Germany, Hungary,...

All about Sustainability

  All about Sustainability What is it all about? Sustainability is a word everybody uses today. Everybody thinks it is important to be sustainable. But what does that actually mean? How can I be sustainable? What do I know...

60 Years of EU

  EU, either WILL BECOME DEMOCRATIC AND SOCIAL EUROPE or WILL BE DECOMPOSED IN A COMMON MARKET OF ECONOMIC NATIONALISM.   EU in its 60 years birthday is facing critical problems to which is called to provide answers in...

Discover Ecomaps !

Ecomaps is an online platform that supports IYNF’s values of sustainable traveling. There are two parts on this website. One is full of information about sustainable living and eating healthy and responsible, such as infographics, articles, charts etc. The...