- Project Coordinator
- Secretariat
Hello Naturfriends,
My name is Zaineb and I have recently joined the IYNF team.
I got to know IYNF when I attended the Youth Leader training organised by Young NatureFriends in Germany in February 2023. Since then I have been involved as a junior trainer where I met other naturefriends and learned about all the projects that IYNF member organisations are working on. I was impressed by the impact that these projects were having on local communities, especially in Burkina Faso and Senegal. Because that is something that I care about, to make an impact in people’s lives and empower young people to take action and be active citizens, I felt that working in IYNF will enable me to continue with my objective while also advocating for climate justice and sustainability.
Apart from that, I am a citizen and student of the world who likes traveling, learning by discovering, volunteering, reading and meeting new people. I enjoy speaking foreign languages, writing stories, taking pictures and spending time outdoors in the company of nature.