Environmental Educational Programme

Another campaign created by two of the participants of the training course “Pact for Impact I: Communication & Action” consists in an environmental educational programme for school pupils.  The programme includes workshops which aims to make children engage with nature in outdoor activities such as visiting a park to observe animals, planting seeds, building birdhouses, […]

Bulding our housing Cooperative

“Building our housing Cooperative” is another campaign designed by some of the participants at the “Pact for Impact I: Communication & Action” Training course in Finland. This campaign aims at establishing a cooperative living space called “Solace”, where sustainability, creativity, and community come together. This space will work as a home, guesthouse and hub for […]

Dog Shelter Volunteering

Two of our participants in the training “Pact for Impact I: Communication and Action”, who are particularly passionate about animal welfare, drafted a campaign to make dog shelters more attractive for volunteers, both on the local level and on a larger scale.   Especially if involving international young volunteers, for instance European Solidarity Corps (ESC), […]


@RhythmOfFreedom is a social media campaign designed by two participants of the “Pact for Impact I: Communication and Action” training course. The campaign aims to reach young people and to raise their awareness regarding gender discrimination, abuse, or disrespect. To do so, the ideators took into account the potential of social media by regularly posting […]

Go Beyond green ChatGPT

As main outcome of our cycle of 2024 “Re:Generation – Climate Positivity towards a Just Future” we are very happy to present to you IYNF first ChatGPT “Go Beyond Green”. Developed by the IYNF Secretariat using all the outcomes and resources from this year’s cycle, the ChatGPT will provide you with all the information you […]

Mangrove Regeneration – Natural Heroes to Combat Climate Change

We take the opportunity of this year’s International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem to share with you “Mangrove Regeneration – Natural Heroes to Combat Climate Change”. This booklet has been one of the outcomes of the Greening International Youthwork 2022-2024. It was issued as a collaboration between IYNF, NFJD, ASAN, Asociacion BIODIVERSA, […]

Couch-surfing Map

During the training course, “Re-think. Travel! Leaving positive traces for a just and sustainable future,” a group of participants came up with a solution for how to travel (specifically accommodate) sustainably and created a couch-surfing network within each other. This can be very helpful, because: It gives travelers the opportunity to cut down unnecessary environmental […]

Climate Positive Song

  Here is a song, created by some of the participants from the training course “Are you ready to be (climate) positive?” through an artificial intelligence software.  Lyrics: We arrived in Carlsberg, such a beautiful place Surrounded by mountains, giving everyone space Space for opinions, space for your thoughts So much excitement, so much joy […]

Reflections through Lego models

Another outcome created by some of the participants from the IYNF second activity of the year, “Are you ready to be (climate) positive?”: a Lego model!  Lego models give the freedom and inspiration to create 3D scenarios that can help imagine the future desired and reflect upon the role, wishes, and responsibilities in shaping it. […]

Take your time for a reflective walk in nature!

During the training course, “Are you ready to be (climate) positive?”, some of the participants created mini projects of their own. Mara and Kruti shared a gift with the other participants: an invitation to take some time, walk in nature, and explore reflective questions. Nature can be very helpful for well-being in everyone’s daily life. […]

Sustainable Spin & Smile Rally

Would you like to inspire others to travel sustainably using an engaging method? Would you like to have fun while connecting to others? Then, why not get inspired from the sustainable spin and rally game, a real life game initiated by a group of participants during the training course “Re (don’t) think. Travel! Leaving positive traces for […]

Free walking tour-Green style

Do you enjoy free walking tours in new cities learning about the history or culture? But what if, you were on a free walking tour to observe and to find out more about the sustainable actions or activities that a city has to offer? Maybe you could find how the traffic is limited or how […]

Can’t fly? Let us plan the travel of your dreams…

Do you want to travel sustainably but you don’t want to fly? Do you wonder where you can find the greenest transportations and local restaurants? Gogreen travel planner, the app designed by one of the participants from the training course “Re (don’t) think. Travel-Leaving traces for a just and sustainable future”, will help you find […]

Promoting Local Tourism

Promoting Local Tourism is a 3-day-workshop designed by one of the participants of the training “Re(don’t) think. Travel! Leaving positive traces for a just and sustainable future”.  The workshop aims to boost local tourism in the regions of Hessen and Bavaria in Germany by providing a training with both theoritical and practical sessions fostering a […]

Carbon offsetting: Greenwashing or the Solution?

As part of the training course “Re(don’t) think. Travel! Leaving positive traces for a just and sustainable future”, IYNF trainer Francesco Mangiarini delivered a session on carbon offsetting. The training focused on the understanding of the definitions of carbon offsetting and greenwashing, and it exposed South Pole, a company that is offsetting carbon emissions for […]

Greening International Youth Mobilities Training Curriculum

*download link is below the page* Training Curriculum: Greening International Youth Mobilities Introduction: This comprehensive training curriculum is designed to empower trainers in the international youth field with the necessary tools and knowledge to conduct impactful training sessions on “Greening International Youth Mobilities.” Aimed at reducing the environmental impact of youth mobility projects, this guide […]

The Progressive (Timeless) Realization

“The Progressive (Timeless) Realization” is a publication authored by our intern, Sebastian. The paper delves into a complex triumvirate of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Populist regimes and Environmental matters by exploring the theory and existing regulations, national cases and specifically a case from Mexico. Inspired by the topic of IYNF’s cycle of activities for […]

Secret Greta: Dare to Save the Planet (Game) B&W

Our 2023 cycle is already bringing a lot of outcomes and fun content, but get ready to witness a new rendition of a popular board game that was made especially as a teambuilding game for our activity “Climate Justice vs Right Wing Populism” in the Netherlands this January. Our participants tried and tested the game, […]

Contradictory Truths in the Climate Movement

“Climate Justice vs Right Wing Populism” was fun, but also very productive! During our sessions together in the Netherlands, apart from exciting workshops, fishbowl debates and bike rides, our participants came up with an interesting list of contradictory truths we often find while discussing climate change. We decided to put all the discovered contradictories in […]