Here is a song, created by some of the participants from the training course “Are you ready to be (climate) positive?” through an artificial intelligence software.
We arrived in Carlsberg, such a beautiful place Surrounded by mountains, giving everyone space Space for opinions, space for your thoughts So much excitement, so much joy All of which cannot be bought Climate positivity Green washing schemes Must've heard it on the news or saw some of those memes Let's touch on topics, Heavy and deep Where do we find courage and hope that we can keep Reflections in nature Setting goals for the future With forests and stars, to dreams we built We carry this journey into the night
*This publication was developed as a result of the project “Are you ready to be (climate) positive?“ that was kindly supported and financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. The opinions expressed in this work are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or opinion of the donors of this publication.